Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Weight Watchers Smart Points Values at Disney

Hey y'all!

I don't exactly advertise it everywhere, but I have been on a Weight Watchers adventure for around a year. And it has been really awesome. I've lost thirty-five pounds!

If you don't know much about Weight Watchers, this program really is designed to help you live your life healthier by making good food and exercise choices.

Even on vacation.

Weight Watchers lead me here. My favorite vacation destination is Disney. Disney World, Disneyland, Disney Cruise Line…I'm not hard to please. If Disney is in the title, I would like to go there because Disney makes me all excited and happy and what not.

But sometimes (read: most of the time), it is really hard to eat on vacation while staying anywhere close to on plan. Sometimes I frankly don't even want to.

So I had a thought. Since I love Disney vacations and evidently most people in the US do too, I should take the time to calculate the points values for some of my favorite Disney snacks.

In no particular order, here we go:

Premium Mickey Ice Cream Bar - 17 Smart Points
Serving Size - 1 Bar
My Thoughts - This is not big enough to spend 17 points on.

Dole Whip - 5 Smart Points
Serving Size - Dole Whip - 1/2 cup
My thoughts - This is already my favorite Disney snack and now it is even better.

Dole Whip Float - 13 Smart Points
Serving Size - Dole Whip Float - 1/2 cup Whip with 8 oz Dole Pineapple Juice
My Thoughts - I can live without pineapple juice.

Churro - 8 Smart Points
Serving Size - 1 Churro, does NOT include dipping sauces
My Thoughts - This is not as horrible as I thought it would be! I'm game.

Caramel Apple - 41 Smart Points
Serving Size - 1 apple
My Thoughts - A moment of silence for a former favorite. The only way I could justify this is splitting it four ways. Just because something has fruit in it does not mean I can count it as good.

Turkey Leg - 16 Smart Points
Serving Size - 1 Drumstick
My Thoughts - This isn't too bad considering these can often replace a meal. They are approximately the size of my head. I can also eat this in line. I am so efficient.

Mickey Pretzel - 6 Smart Points (I calculated this from two different sites. I don't think it's correct. For comparison, an Auntie Annes salted soft pretzel is 14 Smart Points.)
Serving Size: 1 Pretzel
My Thoughts - The points on this can't be right unless Disney has managed to fill the pretzels with magic instead of carbs. I'm not going to trust it.

Disney Popcorn - 20 Smart Points
Serving Size - 8 oz bag
My Thoughts - I probably wouldn't eat this entire bag but share it with family. Not a bad choice. This is Orville Redenbacher Pop Secret popcorn.

Disney Caramel Corn - 48 Smart Points
Serving Size - 8 oz
My Thoughts - 1 oz is 6 points, so a taste would be okay.

Mickey Beignets - 7 Smart Points
Serving Size - 1 Beignet, No dipping sauce
My Thoughts - Could I really just eat one with no sauce? Maybe y'all have better self control!

So there you have it!

I hope this helps while you are in the parks. The research was very eye opening to me (curse you, caramel apple).

However, I do feel like I have the tools to make good decisions while enjoying the parks and all the food they have to offer!

Have a Zippity Doo Dah Day!


  1. This is great! I too hope the pretzels have been filled with magic instead of carbs so we can keep that count low! Thanks for posting the article on the Dis boards. I'll def keep these snacks in mind when we're there in December!

  2. OMG - I think i just cried about the caramel apples - that would be ALL of the weekly points! Granted, I probably would have that many in fitpoitns to use - but STILL!! SHEESH!!!

  3. I can't wait to have a Dole Whip!! I hear they're amazing!!

  4. I am a WW leader heading to Disneyland next week. Thank you for this!!

  5. 17 POINTS for a MICKY BAR whoa..... i better be careful with those

  6. How much did a chimichanga? That's my favorite!!!

  7. Omgomgomgomg this is changing my LYFE!! 😢
    I only live 1.2 miles from the parks and in the 4 MO THS I've been on WW, I've really been avoiding the place, which is wasteful since I pay monthly for a pass.
    This is the most helpful list I've seen in a while!!
    Do you think you could help me calculate the corndog and lobster nachos from DCA?
    My note: I would trust the pretzels points and not compare it to auntie Ann's. They are about the same size specially, but the Disney ones are much lighter.
    Just think of how Disney chutes are 8 points, but Costco chute is are 18. Costco ones are much heavier even though they are just as long.

  8. It might be wishful thinking on my part but, I think it is possible for the pretzel to 6sp. The frozen Super Soft pretzels are only 4sp.
